Estudios, Proyectos y Construcciones: Constructora Epycsa S.A. de C.V.

We are a Construction company with more than 25 years of experience that works to transform the environment and facilitate the improvement of the standard of living of our society.

Our trajectory, commitment to quality, efficiency and constant evolution and innovation keep us as a solid and consolidated company in the Northwest region of the country.


Build works to transform the environment, facilitate the improvement of the standard of living of our Society with a high sense of responsibility. Help the growth and development of our community through high-quality works through people, taking care of their integrity and promoting care for the environment.

We will be at the forefront and consolidated with a high sense of direction, always adapting and responding responsibly to our social environment.

Registro Patronal: A0649395108
RFC: CEP 920626 TK6
Miembro CMIC BC 3003
Miembro Coparmex 344

Isla Chipre 785, Jardines del Lago, 21330 Mexicali, B.C.

686 556 8940